Why I Chose to Become a Personal Transformation Coach

As a child, I noticed that I became very upset, hurt and emotional when I saw people being treated unfairly.

I was racially abused and bullied at school and this experience knocked my confidence which then developed into a stutter. I couldn't put my hand up in class despite me knowing the answer because I was too scared of what others would think if I stuttered in front of them. This continued into my adult life too.

But despite these knock-backs and experiences, I kept going. I had this deep inner drive and determination to do well in life and to not let my stutter or anything else for that matter (including my skin colour) hold me back.

Equality and fairness became strong values of mine.

After University, I entered the Corporate world and after 25 years of experience working for some pretty high profile brands, I realised that some of the things that I held true were actually incorrect.

  • I believed that working hard and keeping your head down would earn you recognition and promotions
  • I believed that you could only speak up in meetings when you felt like the subject matter expert in that area
  • I believed that most others knew more than I did I believed that others were more confident than I was
  • I believed that asking for a raise or a promotion was frowned upon
  • I believed that being seen as overly ambitious had negative connotations
  • I believed that you could not speak to anyone senior than your manager unless you were permitted to do so
  • I believed that my identity was tied to my job and so gaining recognition from your boss was of paramount importance

These beliefs led to:

  • a poor work -life balance
  • a low level of self-esteem and confidence and
  • I was powerless to do anything about this and settled for the status quo.

These beliefs that I had created stopped me from doing so much and held me back on numerous occasions.

After having gone through these emotions myself, I said to myself - "surely, this can't be it....there must be something more out there for me to feel alive and be of value."

I wanted purpose, I wanted to give back and mostly, I wanted to have control over my identity.

It was at this exact time, that the path of Life Coaching found me!!

I was invited to take part in an 'Introduction to Coaching' weekend by the largest Coaching training provider in the world and so, during one November weekend in 2018, I attended the weekend training and was so moved by the experience, that I'd realised that this was my calling in life.

I signed up to the Programme, studied and practised hard and qualified in Q1 2020.

Having coached so many people and noticing the impact that coaching has had in their lives has been truly liberating.

I have now made it my mission to help as many people, stuck in the same place as I was, to believe in themselves, feel confident that they too CAN achieve anything they want.

It's what we think and feel about ourselves that leads to everything else in our lives.

I am the Coach that:

  • helps you see the endless possibilities right in front of you
  • the one that helps you see that absolutely anything is possible
  • the one who becomes your very own cheerleader - the one who constantly encourages you and keeps you going when the going gets tough
  • the one who has so much belief in your potential even when you don't

I see so many people spend their lives having given up because they don’t know that it's possible to change and they don't know how to start to make these changes.

Come and work with me to make changes in your mindset so that you can transform your dreams into reality.